Monthly Archives: July 2009

IF: Idle


Lately, I haven’t been slowing down enough to idle. I’ve been busy painting murals at the preschool, and also remodeling my kitchen walls. (removed the wallpaper, trowled on plaster for a stucco-like texture, primed, painted 2 coats, and finally did a faux finish on top. WHEW!) It’s been a very busy month! I’ve been wanting to get back to IF though, so when I was taking a break the other day, I sat down and sketched a couple of things that remind me of the word idle. There I am relaxing and watching TV, and then there is the Tin Man when he rusted out in the rain. He was definitely in idle mode there. I doubt I’ll even get a chance to finish these off in color before Friday, but soon. Taking a moment out to idle sounds awfully nice right now!



Like I said in my previous post, I’m painting murals for the preschool I work at. Here is the first one, Zaccheaus. It’s been fun getting out of my digital illustration comfort zone and working with acrylics. I’m definitely going to do more of this in the future – other than the 4 other murals I need to complete before September 5th, that is. Right now I’m working on Adam & Eve. I’ll post more pictures as they’re completed. Enjoy!

Christian Preschool murals – sketches


This summer I’ve been commissioned, by the preschool I work at, to paint small murals in 5 of the classrooms. It’s a Christian preschool, so we’re thinking Bible stories. Here are the sketches I’ve come up with. Wallspace is tight, so they won’t take up the whole wall, just a rectangle. They might end up being a little skinnier. Enjoy and have a blessed day!